Parliament imposed taxes to the colonies. The colonists did not like this and said that the British Parliament should not impose taxes on them as they had no representation. Since they didnt like what the Parliament was doing, they decided to protest. Colonies had different ways to protest, colonial leaders gave out pamphlets and gave out speeches to persuade colonists to defy new taxes. This leaders also started using ideas of eurpoen enlightenment thinkers and argued they had divine rights such as life, liberty and property and argued taxes took out their liberty.
Leaders such as John Adams and Patrick Henry also had a vast inlfuence. Patrick used all this ideas to make a radical ¨Virginia Resolves¨ and said that only the colonies could tax themselves. Soon other colonies supported his ideas.
As time passed, protests became more violent. Colonies began to work together and this created sense of unity. All this people who protested were called patriots. Crowds atacked tax collectors and tore down their homes. Soon after protests started, all tax collectors had resigned and there was no one to collect taxes. Crowds also slaughtered people who supported the parliament. The used a tactic called ¨Torring and feathering¨in which they poured hot tea into the person´s body and filled them with feathers.
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