As said on our last post, after all the tea was thrown into the ocean, Pariament got pretty mad about it. So they decided to impose the Coersive Acts, or as the colonists called them, the Intolerable Acts. First Parliament closed the port in America, which made various people go broke such as shopkeepers and mercahnt, as they didnt import goods, they had nothing to sell. British also sent troops and warships to the coloies to ensure the taxes were paid. In total they were 5 acts.
The first act was the Boston Port Act on March 31, 1774. It Closes the port until the East India Company had been repayed for the tea into the ocean. Thing that never happened.
Then came the Massachusets Goverment Act in May 20. This one angered colonists even more than the port act as it made all the positions in the Colonial Goverment to be appointed by the Parliament. It also limited the activities of town meetings.
Administration of Justice Act. May 20. It allowed colonial governor, which was appointed by the Parliament, to move trials of accused officials to Britain.
Quartering Act. June 2. This one was applied to all colonies. It was the same as the one before, that colonists had to give home to British troops, while these also took their jobs. Only that now they could be in any building. However, troops taking over private homes is olny a myth, as they normally would take unused buildings. This was the least protested act.
Quebec Act. June 22. This one is not always related to the Coersive Acts, as it is not exactly related to the events in Boston. This one only enlarged the boundaries of the province of Quebec.
Colonists saw the acts as a violation to their rights and decided to boycot all British goods. They aslo united in case of any possible atack. If the acts were not taken within a year, they could start a revolutionary war..
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