Friday, April 8, 2011

Battle of Yorktown

Finally! American Revolutionary War comes to an end after 6-7 bloody and difficult years for both Americans and British. It all came down to the Battles of Yorktown, after some well planned tactics, as well as lucky timings that made British surrender. British had been big favorites to win the war but they made costly mistakes, they underestimated American's will to fight and get the Independence. They didn't get the fact that this was not a normal war, it was a Revolutionary war, first on its kind. And to make it worst, French and Spanish allies, at the end, turned the balance in favor of the Americans.

Generals: George Washington (American)
Lieutenant Rochambeau (French)
General Cornwallis (British)
Army Size: 8800 Americans, 7800 French, 6000 British.

We all know the war hadn't been easy for the Americans, loosing most of the battles, though on the latter stages of it, French and Spanish help had made a big difference, aiding in other battles such as Pensacola, Florida or Mobile, Alabama. After loosing some key battles, General Cornwallis (British) decided to go to Yorktown and ask for support, which had to come by boat from New York. During the summer of 1781 George Washington decided to march south and try to trap Cornwallis' army at Yorktown. It was a risky idea at first, as he needed a French fleet to arrive at the Chesapeake Bay and block the exits and arrivals of provisions. It all went as planned, the French fleet arrived just in time to block the Chesapeake Bay. Then Washington's army blocked one of the flanks, while French helped by blocking the other. Cornwallis still tried to escape and battle, but it had no effect. Cornwallis had nothing left to do but to surrender.


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